Cub Scout Pack 289
Prosper, TX
Cub Scouts ranks are earned each year through the completion of a series of requirements known as Adventures. Some Adventures are required and others are considered electives. In addition, each rank requires the completion of child abuse protection training known as Protect Yourself.
Kindergartners work toward the Lion rank. The Lion rank is earned by completing eight adventures as described below. Although participation with an adult partner is required for all Lion awards, recognition items are for the Scouts only.
1. Complete the six required adventures:
Bobcat, Mountain Lion, Fun on the Run, King of the Jungle, Lion Roar, and Lion's Pride.
2. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parents Guide
3. Outside of the requirements, Lion Scouts must also complete at least two of the fourteen available elective adventures of their den's or family's choosing
First graders work toward the Tiger rank. The Tiger rank is earned by completing eight adventures as described below. Although participation with an adult partner is required for all
Tiger awards, recognition items are for the Scouts only.
1. Complete the six required adventures:
Bobcat, Tigers in the Wild, Tiger Bites, Team Tiger, Tiger Roar, and Tiger Circles.
2. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parents Guide
3. Outside of the requirements, Tiger Scouts must also complete at least two of the seventeen available elective adventures of their den's or family's choosing
2nd graders work toward the Wolf rank. The Wolf rank is earned by completing eight adventures as described below.
1. Complete the six required adventures:
Bobcat, Paws on the Path, Running with the Pack, Council Fire, Safety in Numbers, and Footsteps.
2. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parents Guide
3. Outside of the requirements, Wolf Scouts must also complete at least two of the seventeen available elective adventures of their den's or family's choosing
3rd graders work toward the Wear rank. The Bear rank is earned by completing eight adventures as described below.
1. Complete the six required adventures:
Bobcat, Bear Habitat, Bear Strong, Paws for Action, Standing Tall, and Fellowship.
2. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parents Guide
3. Outside of the requirements, Bear Scouts must also complete at least two of the seventeen available elective adventures of their den's or family's choosing
4th graders work toward the Webelos rank. The ebelos rank is earned by completing eight adventures as described below.
1. Complete the six required adventures:
Bobcat, Webelos Walkabout, Stronger-Faster-Higher, My Community, My Safety, and My Family.
2. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parents Guide
3. Outside of the requirements, Webelos Scouts must also complete at least two of the seventeen available elective adventures of their den's or family's choosing
5th graders work toward the Arrow of Light rank. The Arrow of Light rank is earned by completing eight adventures as described below.
1. Complete the six required adventures:
Bobcat, Outdoor Adventurer, Personal Fitness, Citizenship, First Air, and Duty to God.
2. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parents Guide
3. Outside of the requirements, Arrow of Light Scouts must also complete at least two of the thirteen available elective adventures of their den's or family's choosing